Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 5: Two Beasts of Revelation 13

Day 5: Two Beasts of Revelation 13
·         A storm is coming. Soon the national Sunday law will be passed. This will be the final event in the drama to test our loyalty to God. Those who will choose to obey God’s unchanging commandments will be persecuted (Math 24:9; Rev 13:15).
·         Revelation 13 gives us the clear picture of the persecuting powers. We have to understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and get ready.
·         Remember, the bible translates itself. “... no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” (2Peter1:20)

·         Revelation 13 talks about the two beasts and how they relate to the earth’s last crisis.
·         The first beast in Revelation 13 (Also Daniel 7:23-25) is having the following characteristics.
1.      World power – Rev 13:3
2.      Civil and religious power – Rev 13: 7,8
3.      Blasphemous power – Rev 13:5 also Daniel 7:25. Blasphemy means:
§  When a man makes himself God (John 10:33).
§  A man claiming to have authority to forgive sin (Luke 5:21)
4.      Had deadly wound – Rev 13:3, (the beast was taken into captivity after 1260 years – Rev 13:10 as it used to do to others). However, the deadly wound was later healed – Rev 13:3.
5.      The beast comes out of the sea – from many people or already established kingdom – Rev 17:15.
6.      Persecute God’s people – Rev 13:7; and Daniel 7:25
7.      Rule the world for 1260 years (1260 prophetic days) – Daniel 7:25, Rev 13:5 (from 538AD to 1798AD). A one-day-year principle is used here – Ezekiel 4:6 and Numbers 14:34
·         Only one authority in the whole world fulfils this prophecy at 100% precision. This is the papacy. In fact, some people see pope as God on earth! See the attached links at the end.

·         The second Beast in Revelation 13 is a two-horned beast with the following characteristics:
1.      Arise in 1798 – that is just after the first beast – Revelation 13:11
2.      Comes out of earth – that is out of area not so heavily populated – Rev 13:11
3.      Had two horns – representing religious and political power – Rev 13:11
4.      Like a lamb – representing Christianity. The beast will be a Christian nation – Rev 13:11
5.      However, after the national Sunday law, the beast will speak like a dragon (persecuting God’s people) – Rev 13:11
6.      The beast will cause people to worship the first beast (heal the wound of the first beast) – that is restore the power to the first beast as it had before 1798 – Rev 13:12
7.      The beast’s government will be the Republican – that is power will rest with the people. Republic means the form of government in which the people or their elected representatives posses the supreme power. Thus, the beast “saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” (Rev 13:14). People should make the image because power rests with the people.

The great storm is coming. Oh if we knew the time! – Luke 19:41 – 44

Now is the time, let’s repent, believe the gospel and be ready.
Our series will continue on Monday next week to reduce the backlog of emails. Till then, Stay blessed

by VOR dear brother & friend

Ganka Daniel Nyamsogoro
Department of Economics and International Business
University of Greenwich