Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 2: “This Gospel” – The Coming of Elijah

Day 2: “This Gospel” – The Coming of Elijah
·         The bible calls the end-time gospel as “the coming of Elijah” – Malachi 4:5.
·         The end-time gospel calls people to worship the only true God and get ready to meet Jesus (John 1:23).
·         This gospel” refers to the final-days prophecy calling God’s people to come back to the heavenly principles (Revelation 18:4).
·         It is “Elijah’s message” calling us to abandon false worship and turn to God (1 Kings 18, especially verse 21)

·         “The coming of Elijah” does not refer to the coming of an individual but the kind of message (see 1 Kings 18:21).
·         Pointing to Elijah’s message, in His time, Jesus calls John the Baptist the coming Elijah (Mathew 11:13,14; and Math 17:12,13). However, John denies it (John 1:21) and points to the message not to the messenger (John 1:23).
·         As in Malachi 4:5; the message of John the Baptist was Elijah’s message during the first coming of Jesus. The message will repeat before the second coming of Jesus. Before that great day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5).

·         John calls it the ‘everlasting gospel’ – Rev 14:6. He also calls it three Angels message – Rev 14:9. “This gospel”, Elijah’s message, the end time gospel, (everlasting gospel or three Angels message) focuses on the crisis over worship. The message calls the inhabitants of earth from worshiping the Beast, Its image, and Mark of the beast (Rev 13:16). (To be covered in the next series)
·         The end-time gospel will be preached just before the second coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Mathew 24:14, 15).

·         These series highlights “this gospel”, the end-time gospel in its prophetic order.

·         The bible says, (Mathew 24:14) after this final warning, will be the time of harvest and Jesus will come. Read also Rev 14:14; Mathew 13:24 – 30, 39.

The great storm is coming. Oh if we knew the time! – Luke 19:41 – 44

Now is the time, let’s repent, believe the gospel and be ready.

from VOR dear brother & friend

Ganka Daniel Nyamsogoro
Department of Economics and International Business
University of Greenwich

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